Communication During Crisis Using Social Media Networks in Oil Companies in Croatia: An Empirical Research


Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, Croatia


A crisis is a malfunction in a normal process that has negative or neutral implications in both the private and corporate worlds. Many variables, which are often divided into external and internal factors, may lead to a crisis inside an organization. While natural disasters, political and social upheaval, economic crisis, recession, and market changes are examples of external causes that occur outside the organization, the organization itself generates internal causes. and can be brought on by subpar work, interpersonal conflicts, corruption, unfavorable working conditions, unattainable goals, and a lack of internal communication. Management must approach the crisis scenario seriously. The practice of exchanging knowledge and perspectives before, during, and after a crisis occurs is known as crisis communication. Social media platforms today are essential for crisis communication since they save resources and time. The objectives of this essay are to establish crisis causes, describe new communication practices via social networks and explain communication in crisis utilizing social media. This essay also discusses the findings of empirical research on crisis communication that was carried out in three Croatian oil corporations. Internal communication is lacking in major oil businesses, according to the report, and staff are unaware of the importance of crisis communication to their organizations.

Keywords: Croatia, oil firms, crisis, social media networks