The Role of Entrepreneurial Vigilance Antecedents on Entrepreneurial Vigilance in A Crisis Situation: Conceptual View

Yosri Addassi and Sinda Ben Sedrine Doghri

University of Tunis

Higher institute of management of Tunis ISGT, 41 avenue de la liberté Bouchoucha, Bardo 2000 Tunis. Recherche in business relationship and economics (ARBRE). 04/UR/06-10, Tunis 2000,

Tunis higher institute of management-Tunis


 The Covid-19 crisis is a historic event which has brought attention to a vital concept: vigilance. Entrepreneurial alertness is a concept that has the potential to contribute significantly to our understanding of how new ideas are initiated and pursued. In this article, we will examine the role of vigilance during a crisis and explore the factors influencing vigilance in such situations.

Keywords: entrepreneurial vigilance, experience, leadership style