Factors Employees Affecting Motivating in a Manufacturing Company in the Automotive Industry in Poland

Joanna MICHALIK, Dorota WOJTYTO, Szymon BERSKI and Marlena KRAKOWIAK

Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Czestochowa, Poland


The main motive of the study is to learn about the factors that motivate and demotivate employees, because the success or failure of the company undoubtedly depends on the quality of their work.

In the literature on the subject, you can find literature that discusses the topic of motivation, but in almost every industry the motivating and demotivating factors are different and should not be generalized. The article presents the results of a survey conducted in a manufacturing company. The questions were addressed to production employees, which is why this research is extremely important, because reliable answers can give the management an answer to what employees expect, what should be improved and what makes them happy and thus satisfied with their work.

The survey was conducted among employees of the selected company holding non-managerial positions. 200 people working in the production department took part in the study. The study concerned the most important aspects affecting the quality and efficiency of employees’ work. The research results allowed us to identify elements that increase motivation and those that reduce it.

The survey shows that financial issues in the form of adequate remuneration and bonuses have the best impact on work motivation. however, factors such as praise or receiving material things have no influence.


Keywords: motivation, incentive scheme