The influence of advertising and friends is approximately the same in the case of men and it is higher in the case of women. Despite this, the flexibility is higher both for women and men in the case of non alcoholic products. So 12.8% of the men are influenced by friends and advertising and 14.4% of the women do so, but 10,5% of the women and 11,4% of the men would buy something else in the case that they don’t buy the needed products. In the case of alcoholic products, the emotional behavior is more frequent at women than at men. 10.5% of the women and 11.4% of the men watch on the shelves and they buy the product they like best. 5.3% of the women and 10% of the men buy products if they like them, although they didn’t have this intention initially. This shows that the way, how a product looks and the way the products are arranged on the shelves can influence the decision of the consumer. For this reason companies should analyze the aspects which attract more at a product. 7.9% of the women and 4.3% of the men don’t buy this type of products. Both percentages are lower than in the case of non-alcoholic beverages, which show that alcoholic products are bought more often than non-alcoholic ones.
The analysis of the consumer behavior gives companies precious information about the way they should design their marketing strategy. In the case of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages there is a mixed consumer behavior, which indicates a mixture of the marketing instruments. As observed in the article, the experienced based behavior is preponderant in both cases and both for women and for men. This shows the fact that the buying decision is often taken before the buying process and relies very often on the previous experiences. This fact makes it very difficult for new companies to convince the consumer to buy something else, because most of the consumers usually buy the same products, because they like them and because they know it. This type of behavior represents an advantage for the existent companies, but as mentioned, makes it difficult for new comers. Despite this, there is also a big amount of consumers, who are influenced by the advertising or by emotional components in the store. For this reason existent companies should advertise their products in order to keep the interests of the customers, while new comers should try to use these instruments in order to convince the customers to buy the products.
This work was supported from the European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, project number POSDRU/ 89/ 1.5/ S/ 59184 “Performance and excellence in postdoctoral research in Romanian economics science domain”.
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