Volume 2021 (12),
Article ID 37103721,
Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Aim/Purpose – The main purpose of the paper is to understand the nature of the relationship between rising public debt and future economic growth. Moreover, the article aims at determining whether the character of this relationship is the same or different when considering “new” and “old” members of the European Union.
Design/methodology/approach – The abovementioned issues are analysed using two approaches: the introductory comparative analysis (Reinhart-Rogoff approach) and econometric methods (pooled regression, between estimator, cross-country regression and fixed-effects regression). The sample considered consists of EU countries (as of 1st January 2020) and various economic, demographic and societal data coming from the period 1995-2019.
Keywords: public debt, growth, nonlinear relationship, European Union