Rethinking the Human Resources Management and The Quality of Sanitary System in The Digital Era

Laura A. ȚOC, Alina G. PETRE, Aurora COSMA, Andreea M. STOICA and Andreea D. TUDOR

Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania,


We are facing one of the longest-lived pandemics in the world, which has determined most of the population to completely change their lifestyle. Also, the current pandemic has led to the launch of multiple studies and researches, especially in the medical sector.

The health system is the most affected system. It has changed and prepared to fight against the pandemic because it was forced to adapt at the new working conditions: digitalization.

The digitization of the health system increased the quality of the processes and of the patients’ safety. Digitalization offers strategic opportunities in the provision of medical services globally.

In the paper below we analyzed a number of 25 sources, to show the importance of digitalizing the activity of the medical staff, the important changes that occurred in a short period of time and the impact on providing care through digitalization, all due to the present pandemic pressure from the last year.

Keywords: sanitary system; digitalization; medical services; human resources management.